This layout was made a while ago, with the Crate Paper purchased from Sarah's Cards. I think the paper was one of my all time favourites I made 2 or 3 layouts and a card from these papers they were just so pretty and vibrant.
We went to watch Charlotte in her Nativity play yesterday and she done us proud. She joined in with all the songs, got on the stage when she was meant to and even done a little dance too. Only at the end of the performance did she start to wobble a little bit, and looked as if she was about to start crying, but she fought back and was fine. Anyone that knows Charlotte or has been following my blog for a while knows that Charlotte lacks confidence and is very shy. When we went for the parents evening back in October the teachers weren't even sure whether they were going to give her a part, but she has surprised us again and done a fantastic job. This is all confidence building for her and she will improve with time and lots of patience from the school and teachers which I know they will give her.
Anyway I'm off to tidy up the house, my parents have left now and are on there way home. It's such an emotional pull when they leave, I miss them terribly. Still we will be going down just over a week so we can all be together at Christmas.
See ya.
Well Done Claire!!!! You are a superstar!! Glad the nativity went well too!